At Knowmium, we’re passionate about

changing conversations

for individuals, teams, & organizations.

Where are we going in 2024? It’s time for learning & development (L&D) leaders to draw upon their skills as map makers & navigators as we chart a course that most resonates with those we wish to inspire. More than anything we, & the clients we align with, wish to be infused with a deep sense of curiosity & purpose.

Let’s begin.

What matters most to you?

60 topics available in workshops ranging from 2 hours to 2 days.  We’ve facilitated sessions for both Fortune 100s & non-profits face-to-face worldwide in 28 countries, & virtually in over 43.

Need a blended approach of multiple topics for a learning journey or offsite? Have a wicked problem that isn’t listed? That’s our specialty. We love unpacking client challenges & creating clear paths to change. Click on any section to learn more, download our full prospectus below, or send us a message to get the conversation started.

What we offer: a 2024 Workshop Snapshot

  • 1. Moving Minds: Our flagship influence program— influence without authority by leveraging our conversation map tool to balance the push & pull of sharing & understanding.

    2. Ethical Persuasion:  Core fundamental skills for better persuasion, based on research work from the last 20 years by Cialdini, Berger, & etc. 

    3. The Power of Words:  What makes one frame create an impact where another does not? Explore how small language changes can make a big difference in buy-in. 

    4. The Lost Art of Listening: The difference between hearing & truly listening is vast. Learn to best apply this “measurable dimension of empathy.”

    5. The Narrative Imperative:  Our flagship storytelling & presentation program—Transform presentations into compelling business stories.

    6. The Narrative Leader:  Talk like TED— deliver keynotes & town halls that motivate & brand yourself & your org. 

    7. Speak to Persuade:  Core presentation techniques— Share memorable messages that motivate & spark change.

    8. Pitch to Persuade: Focused training for short messages used in a variety of contexts, from morning meetings, to updates, to pitch competitions.

    9. Nonverbal Communication: What do we say through our tone & gestures? Beyond outdated research & clichés, learn how proxemics, voice, & nonverbal comms shift perceptions.

  • 10. Consultative Conversations:  Combine consultative & insight selling techniques to reach clients of today virtually & F2F.

    11. Building Buyer Buy-in (Advanced Selling): Manage after-sales conversations to ensure real follow-through & build buyer buy-in.

    12. Build a Better Playbook: 
    Custom sessions with teams to build sales playbooks for their key encounters/accounts.

    13. Sales Simulations: Add-on workshop of tailored simulations/feedback on client case studies.

    14. The Psychology of Negotiation (intro): Understand core individual mindsets that get in the way of good negotiation & learn tools to plan for success.

    5. Negotiate to Great (intermediate): Overcome tension, & leverage frameworks to build trust & achieve truly integrative deals.

    16. Advanced Negotiation Simulations: Add-on workshop designed to support intact sales/negotiation teams in their real case scenarios. 

  • 17. Applied Improvisation: Think, speak, & answer questions on the spot to connect with your team & stakeholders.

    18. Authentic Assertiveness:  Balance voice share with authenticity to create a standout presence in meetings.

    19. Creating Assertive Teams:  Ensure leaders create spaces & structure their meetings to encourage assertiveness to help their teams to share & thrive.

    20. Better Business Partnering:  Master the toolkit of consulting in support of collaboration around sales, internal initiatives, & change management.

    21. Collaborate to Great: Get out of silos & develop teams that communicate, create, & solve together.

    22. Shaping Our Team: Designed for new/merged/intact teams with challenges— helps build true teamwork & get everyone on the same page.

    23. Working Beyond Borders:  Whether virtual or face-to-face, cross cultures to strengthen teams & understand what true cultural competence means.

    24. Building Better Meetings: Stop enduring dull meetings & create real spaces for dialogue & action.

    25. Courageous Conversations:  Conflict resolution doesn’t have to be a source of stress— managed well it is a source of possibility. 

    26. Equality by Design: A journey in the DEI space that translates awareness into ownership & application—building practices into ourselves & teams that help create better spaces & conversations. 

  • 27. Good to Gravitas: Improve leadership/executive presence, communication, & wider organizational impact.

    28. The Enterprise Leader: Far too many leaders are great at managing their own teams, but lack the ability to connect & communicate to the wider organizational view. 

    29. Generational Engagement: How do we work & motivate across generations to ensure teams bring out our best towards common goals? 

    30. Thinking Strategically: Go beyond task-oriented thinking to build a mindset & toolkit for problem-solving that delves both broad & deep.

    31. Meeting the Media: Come across with authenticity & bite-sized clarity in live or offline interviews.

    32. The Passionate Panelist: Joining a panel discussion? Learn the skills to set you apart from average experts & become a panelist who is remembered. 

    33. Delegate to Great: Support your colleagues & direct reports in ways that motivate engagement & free your time.  

    34. Feedback Essentials: Provide both reinforcing (positive) & critical feedback in ways that help grow your teams.

    35. Coaching Culture: Differentiate managing from real coaching & accelerate internal learning through deeper dialogue for growth.

    36. Coaching Low & High:  Performance management on both is complex— how do we motivate high achievers, & how do we help support those facing challenges?

    37. Mentoring & Sponsorship: Many mentors don’t really mentor, & many sponsors don’t really sponsor. Support mentees in practical ways & learn skills to help accelerate their path.

    38. Interviewing skills: Learn how to be a better interviewer & remove bias from your hiring process. 

  • 39. The Write Way: Banish boring emails & reports with clear tools for busy readers. 

    40. Write Way for PR/Comms: Make an impact with internal & external publications from thought leadership to social media posts.

    41. Write Way for Tech Teams: From equity research to IT, to legal ( & etc.). Make sure your writing creates clearly conveys your message to readers. 

    42. Slides that Decide: Build better PowerPoints from a visual, branding, & structural perspective.

    43. Storytelling with Data: A data-focused version of our storytelling program, using slides or other data sources (Tableau, dashboards) to deliver technical info in engaging ways.

  • 44. Shaping Your Path: Understand your unique values & strengths, grow your career, & reflect on where you are going in your professional journey.

    45. Build Your Brand: How can we authentically create visibility around who we are & what we bring to the org? Online & off, put yourself on the path of brand-building conversations. 

    46. Habit Forming Goals: Each year starts with great ambitions, but often at the end few goals are actually met. How can we set build systems that support taking ideas to action?

    47. The Network Effect: Small talk isn’t small. Learn to meaningfully build a network inside & outside your org to open career possibilities.

    48. Decision Making: Explore methods for decision-making & after-action reviews that break out of biased cycles. 

    49. Receiving Feedback: How do we get the feedback we need, & how do we deal with it when we don’t like it? Learn to better receive & use feedback. 

    50. True Time management: We only have so many hours, & if we’re always firefighting, we never step back to plan. Balance tasks without adding hours.

  • 51. Innovate to Great: Upgrade your innovation process to think like a startup— analysis to ideation, to practical launch.

    52. Rethinking Your Org: What about our beliefs & practices have fossilized?  Let go of assumptions, & become  truly resilient as individuals, & orgs.

    53.Leading Co-creation:  Facilitating innovation sessions with internal/external clients? Learn  skills to bring everyone onto the same page. 

    54. Facilitate to Great: Up-skill subject matter experts & internal trainers to move from telling to truly training.

    55. Moderate to Great:  Learn the skills to create real speaker engagement & not have panels sound scripted/dull.

  • 56. Finding Balance: Work-Life balance is far too often just a buzzword.Learn practical skills for incremental change in stress, self-care, & resilience.

    57. Creating Resilient Teams:  Building on our Finding Balance workshop, how can we leaders create spaces that encourage teams to find better balance? 

    58. Managing Hybrid Teams: How can leaders avoid proximity bias & ensure teams have environments that are equitable regardless of where they work?

    59. The Power of Perspectives: What does it mean to truly build trust? The less we want to show empathy with others, the more we absolutely need to do so.

    60. Calm in a Crisis: Bend with change when everything is turned upside down. Explore real skills to deal with business emergencies.

The brain that contains the problem probably also contains the solution.

— Nancy Kline

Coaching @ Knowmium: In addition to our full suite of workshop offerings, approximately 20% of our work is compromised of one-on-one & small group coaching for mid through senior levels of management, often as a follow-up to our workshops. Get in touch to learn more.

Toolkits for change

Radically Remote

According to a study by ATD, in 2019 just 10% of training was delivered online. Today? Substantially more. Many facilitators are brand new to this, still. So it’s not surprising as Cindy Huggett notes, “Many virtual training programs fall prey to must include all this content in an hour syndrome.” People aren’t tired of virtual sessions, they’re tired of bad virtual sessions. It doesn’t need to be. Our free Radically Remote book, toolkit, & self-paced course have been used by thousands of facilitators & organizations worldwide.

Insight Fox

2020 did not create virtual selling (its use had already doubled since 2015), but it did significantly accelerate the transition. Our clients’ feedback has been that many are struggling to make that leap: leading to conversations that don’t connect, don’t demonstrate real empathy, & don’t serve our clients as trusted advisors. To help with this we’ve partnered with David Lambert, renowned author of the bestseller Smarter Selling, to co-author Insight Fox: Selling Smarter in a Digital World, along with a virtual selling toolkit.

The Giving Speech

We firmly believe in helping those who do good, to do better. For the 9th year in a row, we renewed our commitment to our community through our non-profit division, The Giving Speech, facilitating pro-bono sessions worldwide for organizations in need.  If you work for an organization that needs our help, please get in touch.

Additionally, we’ve formalized our promise to being green by joining the Climate Neutral initiative, along with becoming a Certified B org: small steps on our path to a better planet.

Hybrid Live Guide

We have all dramatically improved our skills of creative & collaborative problem-solving over the last few years. But one space that continues to challenge facilitators is leading learning when half a group is face-to-face, & the rest is still virtual. It’s no easy goal to try to merge these two very different worlds, & many measures end with half the audience feeling distantly left out. Our free guidebook helps bend borders & build bridges between the two spaces, enabling meaningful sessions in both.