Pass the Story

5-15, unlimited, easy.png


Participants create an on-the-spot story together by passing the story from one person to the next until the story is complete. 

Why we like it

This activity is extremely versatile and this guide covers 2 processes: a beginner-level story activity that serves as a great warmer, and a higher-level activity that applies more story structures and details.

Process #1: Simple

1. Ask a participant to begin a story with one or two sentences. It’s a good idea to limit the number of sentences each participant can give especially if you have a large group.

2. Ask the participant to choose the next storyteller to continue the story. If more control is needed, the facilitator can choose the next storyteller.

3. The process continues until one of the following happens:
a) All participants have spoken. Ideally, the final storyteller finishes the story. If needed, allow the final storyteller more sentences or more time to create the ending.
b) The story finishes but there are more participants who haven’t spoken. If desired, allow the remaining participants to start a new story. If only a small number of participants remain, ask them questions about the story such as final thoughts, reflections, or details that could enhance the story.

4. If this activity will link to a larger storytelling activity or deeper storytelling content, prompt the participants to remember some elements of the story. If needed, take short notes you can recall later when discussing the story.

Process #2: Advanced

1. Introduce a story structure and other storytelling elements to the group. See Knowmium’s Story Map activity with example structure here:

Personalized story maps are relatively easy to create on Miro (or other whiteboards) and allow you to add specific numbers of elements for your number of participants.

2. Either assign each participant a number on the story map or allow them to pass the story to random participants (as described in Process #1 above).

3. If needed, give immediate feedback to each participant before they pass the story to the next speaker. For example, in the story opening, were all elements discussed such as time, location, characters, and mood/atmosphere?

Digital alternative

Using Miro or other online whiteboards allows typing and comments on digital story maps. Consider having each participant write a few words for each part of their story. If the story will continue evolving, adding images is a creative option that gives visual details.

Daisy chain options

Along with storytelling content, this activity can link to presentation elements such as voice and body language. This activity could also serve as a jumping off point for a longer story, skit, or play. There are many collaboration and listening elements facilitators could focus on.

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