Crowded Consulting

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A crowd-sourced method of consulting done in small group breakout rooms.

Why we like it

This activity gives participants insight and advice on their challenges and goals. It often leads to new perspectives and ideas.


1. Sort small groups into breakout rooms.
2. 2 minutes: A Client (a single participant) presents their challenge or goal.
3. 3 minutes: The Consultants (the other group members) ask clarifying questions to the Client.
4. 8 minutes: The Client goes on mute, cannot talk, and only listens. Consider having the Client turn off their video, too, to reduce distractions and non-verbal feedback. The Consultants discuss the Client’s challenge and goal and offers advice.
5. 2 minutes: The Client comes off mute and gives feedback to the Consultant on what was useful and what they took away from the suggestions. Tip: Advise the Client they may give feedback and ask questions but may not argue or criticize the advice. Consider extending this time limit for in-depth discussion or to allow criticisms.

Daisy chain options

a) For multiple rounds, consider mixing up groups from time to time.
b) To measure collaboration, feedback strategies, and other communication elements, appoint Observers to take notes or complete online forms (such as Typeform).


See Liberating Structures for the original activity.

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