Draw Together

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Groups use a shared whiteboard or online sketchpad to draw collaborative portraits using symbols with shared meanings.

Why we like it

Allows individual and group expression without words or discussion. Discussion can be added after drawing and use of shapes and shared means can be made more or less flexible.


1. Introduce the meanings of each symbol:
-Circles = Wholeness
-Rectangles and Squares = Support
-Triangles = Goal
-Spirals = Change
-Stars = Relationship
Skip this step to allow free drawing or alter the shapes and meanings as desired.

Draw Together.png

2. Draw on whiteboards or digital sketch pads. Allow individuals to construct drawings or put groups into breakout rooms to draw together. Groups of 5 or less are best for group drawings. For groups, consider giving rules like “no discussion” while drawing.

3. Ask other individuals or groups to interpret the drawings. Allow the drawer to clarify and explain their own picture.

Daisy chain options

a) Nominate one drawer per group and have them follow group instructions. See the activity “Robot” for more details.
b) Save drawings as keepsakes or run this activity again to compare changes over time.
c) Incorporate storytelling elements such as story structures and asking participants to explain drawings in story format.

Tech tip

Physical tablets connected to the virtual platform are great for whiteboard activities.

External links

Digital whiteboards: Board, Limnu, Miro, and Mural
Personal sketchpad (not collaborative or savable): PixilArt and SketchPad


See Liberating Structures for the original activity and analog art.

Share using the icons below or direct link to this activity: https://knowmium.com/tools/2020/4/15/draw-together-zds6c


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