Expert Interview

5-30, pair:small, intermediate.png


Participants or pre-assigned groups connect with an outside expert and conduct an interview.

Why we like it

Bringing in experts is always a great idea for content and variety. Pre-session interviews get participants thinking and talking about topics, and the content is useful in discussions and later projects.


1. Give participants:
a) a list of possible interview questions
b) connections to pre-approved experts or ideas on how to find experts
c) parameters for how their interview content will be used later

2. Participants connect and conduct interviews.

3. Interviewers deliver their findings during the live session.

Daisy chain options

a) In communication or presentation programs, the live report could serve as the benchmark presentation. Consider giving other evaluation criteria in advance with this option. Consider recording the live presentations.
b) Ask the expert to visit the live session.
c) Participants analyze and use different types of questions and interview tactics to build communication skills.


a) Participants may need flexibility and guidance if experts are hard to reach directly. Alternatives to direct interviews are finding previous interviews in the media or researching the experts’ publications and social media.
b) Interviews could be conducted between live sessions after participants learn content and/or communication skills.

External links

Blog post: How to interview an expert without looking like an idiot

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