Circle of Influence

30, small, intermediate.png


Using whiteboards or physical materials, participants map out their personal circle of influence.

Why we like it

This Stephen Covey concept works well for a variety of programs such as personal branding, influence, and resilience. It can also be adapted for action plans and team identities.


1. Facilitator shows an example circle of influence which participants can quickly recreate on their own virtual whiteboard, physical paper, or other drawing app. Consider sending an image file which could be uploaded onto whiteboards.

Example Circle of Influence on Miro:

Cirlce of Influence image.png

2. Participants create their own circle of influence and add personal (or team) aspects in each circle.
3. Participants save, share, and debrief their completed circles as necessary.

Daisy chain options

This activity leaves a lot of flexibility on how deep the facilitator wants to discuss influence, personal branding, decisions, resilience, action plans, and/or Stephen Covey’s work with circles of influence.

External links

Whiteboards: Miro and Mural


While Stephen Covey’s full book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a cornerstone in business leadership, this activity was modified from Session Lab.

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