Live Rehearsal

5-30, 2-5, Advanced.png


A live presentation, pitch, or interview rehearsal, or a final submission of a spoken project.

Why we like it

This activity recreates the pressure and professionalism of a live presentation, pitch, or interview in a virtual format. It captures the verbal and non-verbal communication skills needed for success as well as the technical requirements candidates need to succeed online.


1. Inform speakers and evaluators of their roles and expectations. This activity works well towards the end of a project to showcase participants’ final presentations.
2. Divide groups into breakout rooms or take time to have submissions live. Keep in mind the attention span of passive audiences. Too much passive time viewing others will lead to multi-tasking and discomfort.
3. View participants and give evaluations and feedback as needed. Attendees can use online forms or shared whiteboards to evaluate and give feedback.

Tech tips

Make the audience’s perspective just as important as the participant content and delivery. Some things to consider:
a) Securing the right tech including camera and lighting. Whether the participant needs to purchase new tools, borrow tools, or move to a new location, the final image is ultimately up to them.
b) Practicing in advance to ensure tech works properly
c) Arranging camera, lighting, and audio for the best image possible. Examples:
i) standing up while presenting
ii) looking at the camera while speaking
iii) positioning the camera at eye-level and/or to capture full body movement
iv) generating enough light at the right angles
v) using cordless headsets or professional microphones to capture sound


If software, slides, or virtual tools will be used, this is a great time for participants to have host abilities and control the platform features.

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