Mind Mapping

5-30, 1-5, intermediate.png


Using an online whiteboard, individuals or groups create mind maps to brainstorm, create previews and summaries, and categorize elements.

Why we like it

Mind mapping is a tried-and-true process for many projects like drafting speeches, writing essays and articles, and organizing larger projects. This virtual edition allows real-time, interactive participation.


1. Using an online whiteboard like Miro or Mural, create a mind map template or use a built-in template and modify it as needed.

Miro Mind Map 1.png

2. Build sections and categories of the mind map as needed. For example, if a topic is already planned, add it. If participants will create something new, keep it empty.

3. Prompt participants as much as needed about the process of mind mapping, of small group instructions (breakout rooms are a great option), and other time limits or rules.

4. Guide the mind mapping process as needed. For example, question or clarify when new elements are added to incorrect or problematic areas.

5. When the mind map is complete, save it as needed for future reference. Locking the item in Miro or Mural is a great idea if others have access to the board. You can export it or simply screenshot it as well.

6. If working individually or in small groups, allow creators to explain their mind maps as needed and debrief.

Miro Mind Map 2.png

Daisy chain options

Mind maps are often used as a catapult to a larger project like a presentation or essay, so take the mind map to the next stage of creation.  Refer to it as needed during larger projects and processes.


Mind maps can be excellent activities on their own without being part of a larger project. Consider giving participants numbers. In order, they individually write something on the mind map and build off of each other. If someone enters the topic/subtopic “animals,” the next person will need to list an animal to fit that category. Using icons and images instead of typed words adds variety and visuals. 

External links

3rd party whiteboards
Miro: https://miro.com/
Mural: https://mural.co/

Share using the icons below or direct link to this activity: https://knowmium.com/tools/2020/10/15/mind-mapping


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