Physical Kit

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With a bit of advanced planning, participants use a physical kit of materials to create and interact during live webinars. This activity could be used for the famous Marshmallow Challenge (, physical art or design activities, cooking or drink mixing courses, or any other project that requires physical supplies.

Why we like it

Anything we can do to keep a hands-on experience will keep participants’ attention and build lasting memories of the session.


Option 1: Send a list of supplies to participants in advance so they may purchase the supplies before the virtual session. Make sure the list is specific and complete. Photos or links are helpful. When dealing with specific amounts, measurements, or numbers, be as detailed as needed.  

Consider the different options available in a supermarket for “pasta noodles.” You might have thought “dry spaghetti noodles” and end up with participants having a variety of spaghetti, macaroni, penne, and lasagna noodles including some that purchased the fresh refrigerated style. Also, be clear if the materials are required to participate or attend the session. Showing the physical supplies could be a nice “entry ticket” for the workshop.

Option 2: Send the supplies to each participant in advance. This requires more facilitator work (and possibly funds), yet it ensures the participants will have exactly what they need without surprise alternatives or excuses about why they didn’t have time to go shopping.  If your participants are in the same country or region, this option may be easier.  Check out Tiny Campfire’s s’mores kit for inspiration: 


How you use the physical kits will depend entirely on the activity you want to run. Here are some examples:

1. As mentioned, the Marshmallow Challenge is famous in face-to-face workshops. Having participants in physical groups on camera or arranging a solo-player version is an online option.

2. Art projects are easy to arrange because individuals can work remotely and share their images online. Sharing through their webcam or uploading photos of their creations are options. If you’ve used Miro, Mural, or online whiteboards, consider how traditional pen-to-paper art might replace digital canvases. 

3. To create some social lubrication, have participants purchase ingredients to make cocktails (or mocktails) and mix their drinks together on camera. 

4. Many training programs use physical workbooks, assessments, training cards, and other workshop keepsakes. Consider how these could be more beneficial than virtual versions.

Daisy chain options

The big advantage to physical kits is they stay with participants. How you incorporate activities into future activities will vary. Keep in mind that physical relics from one activity can be kept and used again in future modules.

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Mind Mapping


Making Masks